The Mainstream Right Wing in America in the 2000's was so dogshit that New Atheism was viewed as a punk rebellion against it.
The truth is that New Atheism isn't punk at all. It isn't innovative or interesting. It regurgitates arguments which are perhaps trivially true, but which do nothing but instantiate the legitimization of the part of the establishment which is already the more powerful faction.
Evangelical Christianity on the other hand is the best argument against the freedom of religion. Armageddon obsession is plebian middle class thinking. It keeps them in a constant preservative state. Religion, when abstracted from the state, is fit for a class of slaves.
Evangelical Christianity however is just one of the bigger manifestations of mind rot which occupies American religiosity. The cult, expressed in Jehovah's Witness, Scientology, Heaven's Gate, & many others take Evangelical thinking, but radicalize it, making it more anti-social.
"I am not of this world." "I will attend to my tiny religious flock." "I won't even be like the J*ws. I won't carve out a niche and do interesting shit while being on the margins. I'll just be r*tarded." Separated off from others. No civic duty. JWs & Scientologists are TRAITORS.
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