Great, i look forward to the inclusive content. If I may be so bold, I'd like to suggest you start with a tragically under-discussed topic in female sport, one that is (almost certainly) the bane of the lives of many of your distance running female readers: scrotal chafing
It would be really quick & easy too. You could pretty much copy and paste bits of this feminist masterpiece, change a few words and Bob's your auntie
Some suggestions for future articles:

"5 Sports bras that will only give you a semi-on"

"1 Reason the women's showers are awesome"

"How to execute the perfect marathon with a Tampax Super stuffed up your arse"

I have loads of these, they pretty much write themselves
"My ultra marathon agony: Tiffany, a 6'3" male woman, built like a brick shithouse, discusses transmisogyny, her severe bellend chafing trauma & how she almost had to sleep in the wet patch"
"My Hurdling Hell: Brave bearded transwoman Brenda clipped a lovespud on a hurdle and some of the minge owners laughed. Here's why that's white supremacy or some other shit we made up"
"Triathlon trauma: Susan, a stunning male woman, felt discriminated against for having her cock out in the bike-run transition. We discuss why this is totally women's fault"
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