-a thread- If you have not been contacted by higher authorities to be sent to the quarantine center/hospital, this would be useful to you:

1. Self-isolate positive-tested patient in another room(best with bathroom) immediately.
2. Get an oximeter and thermometer to have your oxygen levels and temperatures monitored constantly especially during the peak of symptoms (high fever and chest tightness in my husband's case). When oxygen lvl falls below 92(benchmark by doc) should be sent to hosp immediately.
3. Sanitize whole area immediately to disinfect places that positive-tested patient(PTP) have been(after test, going to the room kinda scenario)

4. Prepare dishwater, sponge for PTP to wash dishes after finishing meals. Sanitize tray with washed dishes, and then rewash them.
5. Honey lemon, gargling with salt water reduces discomfort experienced by PTPs throughout. I give my husband vitamin C and cod liver oil tablets too(but sometimes terlupa also sorry 😐)

6. PTPs should do some light exercises during this period even when tired
PTPs should NOT be let out during the self-isolation period even when only showing mild symptoms. You never know how the virus can spread, so it is best to avoid contact with anybody at all times. My family is following the rules stated in the picture.
Some PTPs have mild symptoms but it is NOT a reason for you to go out of your room. We are unsure how the virus can transmit, best to stay in your room and not infect others throughout your self-isolation period.
7. Dirty clothes of PTPs to be placed in garbage bags and placed outside the room. Sanitize the garbage bags before collecting them, wear a mask and AVOID touching the clothes inside when transferring to washing machine.
8. For others living in the same house as PTPs, you never know what corners PTPs have touched previously. Best to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and avoid touching things unnecessarily in the house.
You can follow @ennaojt.
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