I find it bizarre to hear an ID physician claim that only airborne transmission can explain six cases on one floor of a hotel, given what we know about sketchy hotel cleaning. Precarious work, high pressure, low standards, low health literacy.
WHO has said that fomite transmission (=contaminated objects) may be less common than we originally thought, but it may be more likely when viral load is high (=initial days of infection) and we know the UK strain is more transmissible.
The final report of the Vic inquiry into hotel quarantine was scathing about cleaning practices and I see no reason to assume that Queensland would have learned this lesson.
This piece is from the US and practices are no doubt different in HQ in Australia, but it illustrates how precarious work practices for hotel cleaners are unsafe for workers and guests alike – and that's the baseline for any improvements in HQ. Starting from a very low bar.
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