(1) #Thread on the Fourth Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus

Before proceeding, you can read about other exoduses of Kashmiri Hindus as well! 👇 https://twitter.com/GaikwadAnkur/status/1345008922143420416?s=20

The 4th exodus of #KashmiriHindus was in the Afghan rule (Abdali/Durrani) during 1752-1819 CE. The list of Afghan Governors of Kashmir 👇

Ref:- pp.116, Chronology of Kashmir: History Reconstructed, Pt.Kota Venkatachalam
1753-54: Abdullah Khan Isk Aquasi. 6 months. A/c to J.L.Kilam-"(Isk Aquasi) made the ruin of the country complete. Houses were plundered. Huge fines were imposed. His agents pillaged property. Murders were carried out."

1766: Nuruddin Khan Bamzai did inhuman cruelties.
1767: Mir Fakirulla Khan. Large-scale murders & arson in Srinagar after becoming Governor. Hindu scholars put to death. 2000 Hindus converted forcefully. Initiated the 4th exodus. Nearly half of the population fled Kashmir.
1776-83: Haji Karim Dad Khan. Destroyed family of Jammu's Hindu King. Heavy taxes on poor. The heavy taxes on shawl industry killed it.

For his pleasure, Hs were drowned in #DalLake.

Hindus were *gassed by cowdung fumes in a confinement*, just to procure money forcefully.
1783-85: Azad Khan, used to put 2 Hindus per sack -sewn air-tight - & immersed in Dal Lake; numerous were killed this way. During his Siege of Poonch, Houses looted, Hindus were slaughtered. But, Azad Khan himself su!c!ded when he was about to be captured in battle.

1786-88: Mirdad Khan. His reign was of enormous taxation & Extortion.

1793-94: Mir Hazar Khan. He drowned Hindus and Shias in *leather bags* in #DalLake.
1807-13: Ata Muhammad Khan. He had insatiable lust for Kashmiri Hindu women. Hindus used to shave their daughters' head, cut their noses to avoid the
rampant misconduct by his agent Afghans & Kashmiri Ms.

1819: Jabar Khan. He continued to persecute Hindus.
Tired of Jabar Khan's atrocities, Mirza Pandit Dhar & his son Birbal Dhar met Maharaja Ranjit Singh, appealing him to free Kashmir from the tyrant Afghan rule. During the #SikhEmpire rule, there was religious tolerance and peace, on the whole.
Pt. Kota Venkatachalam, admiring the grit of #KashmiriHindus in retaining their Dharma, says thus:

"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late;
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods?"
Walter R Lawrence, a British bureaucrat in 1889-94 Kashmir, writes about the Afghan/Pathan rule :

"Pathan rulers are remembered for their brutality & cruelty. They thought of cutting off heads no more than plucking a flower."
1. http://www.ikashmir.net/mkraina/6.html 
2. Chronology of Kashmir: History Reconstructed, Pt. Kota Venkatachalam
3. Ranjit Singh: Maharajah of Punjab, Khushwant Singh
4. https://mahabharatascience.blogspot.com/p/kota-venkatachalam.html
Please share the thread as much as you can to raise awareness. 🙏🚩🕉️

This #thread is a part of thread-series to mark the 30th anniversary of 7th Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus on 19th Jan 2021.

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