Earlier today, the topic of white adjacency surfaced. I think it was @rudesttooter that tweeted about it. So, here's my interpretation...
In the Black community, it's a double-edged sword. We'll take it this way first. Whether it's clout, acceptance, or inclusion, many Black Republicans fall under this. Now, this is separate from the Party of Lincoln stuff.

Let's talk about the most vociferous.
Men like Tim Scott, Ben Carson, and Allen West look down their nose and distance themselves from what makes us who we are. Look at this quote and notice the lack of the word Black.
How tf is poverty a state of mind? Your mind isn't telling you to go to bed hungry or sleep in your jacket because you can't afford heat in the middle of winter. Poverty doesn't tell Black people to avoid doctors because you didn't have insurance, because it was too expensive.
Actually, the Constitution was originally written by rich, White men that considered Black people farm implements. The "one people" smells like a hate of appreciation for diversity. By embracing these beliefs, West, Carson and Scott segregate themselves from our.basic core values
Now, the second part could be uncomfortable for some:

There are am overwhelming amount of White-adjacent POC in other communities. Some adopt strident anti-POC beliefs and it never fails to roll eyes
This is Ted Cruz.
Ted opposes the DREAM Act.

He said:

"I do not believe we should be granting a path to citizenship to anybody here illegally,"
This is conservative commentator, Michelle Malkin. She opposed birthright citizenship. She's the daughter of immigrants. She also wrote..
This book, where she defends internment camps, especially those used in WW2. How an Asian person defends this is wild .
Some of white adjacency is tied to White passing. Dating back to Reconstruction, some lighter skinned Black people would pass as White to avoid segregation. In turn, if successful, passing lead to an attitude, a perception among some Black folks to look down at others.
Everything from the "good hair" to "high cheekbones" is, in hindsight, perceived to amplify White features, or what some perceive as better.
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