A few thoughts about successful Lol coaches traits:

Lol coaching is about human conflict resolution in the context of League of Legends competition. It doesn't matter how good a Lol player or team is if they can't consistently perform at a high level.
Good lol coaches double down on strategy, but great ones work on every aspect that impacts team's performance: strategy, mind, and body.

You must know how to boost individual and collective growth. You accomplish this by creating structures and processes so growth is unavoidable
Teamwork is demanded to players, but it's an underdeveloped skill in coaches.

Every coach starts their career as a solo coach. Few reach the "big leagues", have staff, and don't know how to maximize their output to help the team grow.

Learn to manage AND delegate.
If you want the respect of the players, outwork everyone, don't let toxicity spread, and ALWAYS lead by example. It will create a sustainable winning culture.

You'll make mistakes, accept them, say sorry (if needed), and move on. Don't let your ego get in the middle.
Your job isn't to be right all the time, it's to connect the dots and reach better conclusions than the players would reach on their own.

When shit hits the fan (it happens every split) you'll need to keep them focused on the fastest growth path.
Coaches tend to overcomplicate and experiment too much. Usually, the fastest growth path is the same path that will make you win the next game.

In doubt, it's always better to simplify.
If you want to be a successful coach and you don't know how to do these things don't worry. It can all be learned through books (like I did) and hard work.

Or through coaches that teach it. Like @GevousLoL that recently launched his brand new website https://www.gevous.com/  :)
You can follow @LuisDeilor.
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