If you are missing that connection with people and community because you are in a lockdown, there are little ways you can make it happen:

1) When you are on socially safe distanced walks and someone is walking towards you, make eye contact and say something.
Good morning! How are you? What a great day! It's such a little thing but you'd be surprised what a difference a smile from someone else can do to lift up your day. Last week I walked by someone who smiled, said "Good morning! Happy New Year! I hope you have a great day!" and
all day when I thought of him, it made me smile.

2) When you do have to go out for groceries, ask the cashier how their day is going and then REALLY LISTEN. One thing in life I have learned is that everyone has a story. Sometimes the most simple thing we can do is listen.
3) Touch base with a few friends each day. We all need someone to check in on us. And if you're constantly being checked in by someone.... make sure you try to reciprocate. Sometimes the person who is always checking in is the person who needs to be checked in on the most.
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