There is so much to say re: campus antisemitism, but for now, a few thoughts given the truly despicable yet unsurprising letter sent to Biden by jewish estab orgs demanding that censoring campus israel critics be #1 priority the week after LITERAL NAZIS stormed the US capital.
There's a multimillion dollar effort to advance pro-Israeli gov propaganda on college campuses and to brand anyone sympathetic to Palestinian humanity and demands for rights as antisemitic. Watchdog orgs, student fellowships, lobbying, comms, junkets to israel, the works.
When these orgs began to lose the battle over the facts of Israeli human rights violations, occupation & apartheid, they changed strategy. They now say J students are silenced, marginalized, harassed while these very orgs lead the way in making campus a hostile place for activism
I will never forget what it was like to wake up to my own complicity in this. I myself helped harass & smear pro-Palestinian students (including Jews!) while centering my own discomfort w hearing Israel's good name tarnished in public. Too many still need this mirror held up.
At the core of this is a deep fragility in the Jewish community. Not saying there isn't real trauma & fear. But also, this fragility masks deep discomfort with confronting injustice. As many have said, there is a huge difference between being uncomfortable and being unsafe.
Palestinian kids in Gaza are unsafe when Israel bombs their schools. Students in dozens of schools across West Bank slated for demolition by IDF are unsafe. Students who are woken by IDF in midnight raids, & then have to make it past settler violence to get to school are unsafe.
Palestinian Americans whose photos & info are on Canary Mission & host of other creepy bullying sites, that threaten their ability to get jobs, visit their families in Palestine, & subject them to inhumane levels of attacks & McCarthyite Lawfare campaigns are unsafe.
I'd challenge pro-Israel students to spend even 10 min in the shoes of a Palestinian student. I'm not sure they'd last.

And the same ppl crying about being left out of progressive spaces should look around; they have already chased progressive Jews out of their Jewish spaces!
Every Jewish student I know who was remotely critical of Israel on campus was harassed, vilified, targeted by pro-Israel students & orgs. Even when we assured them that we were super Zionist & super loved Israel! Criticism & activism of any substance is categorically unwelcome.
I was told explicitly, repeatedly growing up that the best way to support the Jewish people was to join the IDF or to fight for Israel's legitimacy on college campuses.

When you send young ppl to enter like soldiers into a place of learning, you've already set them up to fail.
I'm not saying the vitriol J students experience today isn't real; i AM saying it must be understood in context of a- what others (ESP Palestinian & left Jews) experience &; b- that pro-Israel groups themselves actually helped create the very hostile environment they bemoan
Finally, reminder. The week after literal nazis & white nationalists marched on the capital to murder members of congress, that campus anti-israel-ism is the #1 concern of the American Jewish establishment shows how depraved & misguided these groups are. 1000% shonda & betrayal.
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