Welcome to this #AMMTeasers thread that no one asked for

As I sort through the 170 (!!!) submissions I have received so far, I am suffering because so many of you are GREAT writers and I hate disappointing anybody 😩 I don't want anyone to think not ultimately getting a full 1/
request means your book is not good. BECAUSE IT'S PROBABLY GOOD. I read all the queries, then go to the pages regardless of how I feel about your concept. Queries to me aren't representative of writing skill. So YES I am at least looking at everyone's opening. #AMMTeasers 2/
If your opening isn't grabbing me but your writing is where I'd want it to be, I skim ahead to see if you started in the wrong place. Ultimately, if I like the concept AND the writing, I go to the trusty synopsis, and this is where it's tricky #AMMTeasers 3/
...because regardless of how much I like your idea, and regardless of how good your writing is, if I read through the synopsis and don't know what I would change, then I don't feel like I am helpful for you 😭 it is not an indicator of skill!! #AMMTeaser 4/
if the synopsis DOES give me ideas, and all these factors magically line up, it goes in my "maybe request" pile. This is all to say that PLEASE don't be too discouraged based on the outcome of this program. I KNOW it sucks so much not to ultimately be picked. #AMMTeasers 5/
But I have heard past mentors say it's all about who they can help, and I am learning just how true that is. And I want you all to please keep that in mind throughout this whole process no matter what happens!!! 🖤🖤🖤 /end
SORRY I AM EMOTIONAL I'm just so honoured you all submitted to me, and thank you
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