Short thread on my experience as a parent (teacher plus 3 sons at 3 different schools).
All 3 schools doing it differently- and seems to be suiting us all very well right now! Massive thank you to staff and senior leaders who are doing a Top Job supporting our young people 👍 /5
Son3 is 9yrs old. Has 30mins live lesson with class teacher who has KW kids at same time. Focus on maths worksheet a day and reading Black Beauty plus topics. 2+hrs a day and son3 happy which is main thing 2/5
Son2 is 12yrs old and pretty conscientious. Live tutor time to start the day, then work set every hour to keep him occupied, finishing at 2.15pm. Good life balance again and he is happy 3/5
Son1 is 14 & struggled to work at all in Spring 2020. This time he has live tutor period, then 1 or 2 live lessons a day, some short tasks due in that day, & new a Discord server to chat with friends from school. He is so happy and motivated and self directed! It's brilliant 4/5
Mum is 44yrs old and teaches 4 days a week. Two live lessons a day with 6th form, though they seem reluctant to use microphones! Lots of marking to keep on top of, and sons to monitor, but early signs are good.
Many schools are getting it right 👍 5/5
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