This quote tweet isnt a call out, so be nice my audience. That aside:

Gunna simplify this here cuz character limits, but did you know brains are gendered? Through a process called DNA Methylation brains become masculinized/feminized, & chromosomes dictate this process

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The University of Maryland studied DNMT & even altered sex characteristics in rats by messing with their DNMT levels. For example they masculinized female rats during the study. I mean it’s not a secret that behaviors between men and women differ. This is brain related.

Being trans is simply a fluke within a developing brain that ‘genders’ it wrong. It’s why scans show that trans ppl’s brains align with the gender they ID as. The problem these days is that being trans has become a counter culture, so ppl who arent trans claim that they are

Throw in gender politics & that’s where the craziness stems from. Im very vocal about how these ppl hurt trans folk. But that aside, transness as a whole isnt irrational, it’s merely a natural anomaly. A mis-development of sorts. At least for those who are actually trans
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