Hey, guys!

Remember those threads I wrote years ago on Steve Bannon's strategy for seizing political power and remaking the state - through incitement of social polarization?

Seems pretty relevant to me. I'll link underneath this Tweet. https://twitter.com/JenniferJJacobs/status/1349819969211662349
All of the threads linked in this thread deal with 'symbiotic extremism,' and talk about Bannon's role in inciting and exploiting social division and political turmoil - to remake the state...and how similar to AQI in Iraq that strategy is. https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1348056883383336962
from summer 2020: danger of "insurrection" discourse in the wake of BLM, and - unsettlingly enough...

... the parallel strategic programs and objectives of Trump's very own Steve Bannon - and Al Qaeda in Iraq's Zarqawi: https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1348061927885312000
from 2018 - on Jeff Sessions' firing, Steve Bannon's strategy, and the need to temper midterm election victory optimism - because of why, and how, it was going to get worse.

Like...the Capitol in 2021. https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1060264520206245890
All I'm saying - now that we know Trump and Bannon have been in close communication long before the Capitol insurrection...

... is EXACTLY what I've said for years: https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1060278282988470272
I hate how accurate all of this turned out to be. Thank you, prescient warnings of mine and the COVID economy: if I wasn't on the job market and was fully employed, I'd be able to make so much noise about this right now - and that is so, so frustrating.
Here’s a thread where I break down Patriot Prayer, militias, and Steve Bannon’s playbook in relation to the Michigan Capitol attack - the DRESS REHEARSAL for January 6. https://twitter.com/msentropy/status/1300137725635391488
Please, someone with a big platform, raise these issues. I don’t want credit, but it’s urgent people see what’s actually happening.

What you need to understand is that the Capitol insurrection is much, much bigger than Trump.

This was Steve Bannon’s plan from the beginning. https://twitter.com/msentropy/status/1300139378950336512
Please remember the bigger significance here to the Capitol seizure and Trump’s impeachment.

Don’t ever forget:

Steve Bannon is a diabolically brilliant white supremacist strategist who has actively worked to remake the state by inciting social divisions since before 2016.
Steve Bannon’s plans - for where we are now - were clear before Trump even won the election.

You can see it all over the Michigan Capitol attack dress rehearsal for Jan 6, BLM backlash, Kyle Rittenhouse, Patriot Prayer, Portland.

More key than ever that people see this. https://twitter.com/msentropy/status/1300137725635391488
You can follow @MsEntropy.
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