COVID and the left’s overreach have accelerated a push for decentralization. While things will be tough for conservative dissidents in the short term, trends have been put into motion which will grant us a bright future! Get whitepilled! THREAD:
Decentralized Internet: Big tech overplayed their hand last week with their coordinated ban on Parler & Trump. Now businesses and countries are aware of how vulnerable they are to big tech malice. These actors all are incentivized to build new systems, safe from de-platforming.
Things will be rough for us in the short term, but it will work out in the long run as many smart people develop alternate, de-centralized systems. This whole process will make our movement more resilient.
Remote Work: This opens up a world of possibilities to us. We can now live in beautiful, affordable, parts of the country, far from the enemy’s eyes, while making decent money. We no longer need to live in leftist strongholds for our jobs. Our children will be safe.
Ultimately, this makes it easier for people on our side to wind up living together. If we want to take this movement to the next level, we will eventually need our own towns/cities so we can run an alternative society. Remote work allows us to easily congregate.
Action Item- As remote work gets more popular, there will be advantageous price arbitrages allowing you to live well in affordable areas. Be a first mover. Insist on working remotely, and demonstrate that you are productive when remote.
Home School: Homeschooling has exploded with COVID. Many love it! It’s never been easier to homeschool. Materials are available online. Homeschooling Co-ops allow you to share the teaching load, and give your children friends that come from usually conservative families.
Homeschooling lets families escape the two income trap. You can give your children an excellent education, without your wife being forced to work in order to afford your expensive school district. The majority of women want to stay home and raise their own kids!
The kids love it. School days usually are just 4 hours. They spend the rest of their time pursuing their interests. They’re pleasure reading, writing stories, performing in local plays, learning instruments, etc. They can access their potential without being held back by others.
Instead of a militant 22 yr old forcing LGBT propaganda and other lies on your children, you can control the curriculum. They can actually learn the classics, study religion, learn real history, and read good books. Customize it to their interests. So many ways to approach it!
Action Item- Consider homeschooling. Or if you know of friends involved in a homeschooling co-op, offer to teach a class. Or you could simply promote good books for their curriculum.
Dissident Art: It’s never been easier to share art. Print on demand can get your book into the hand of anyone. It's never been cheaper to make films. Music, memes, webcomics, paintings, podcasts... with so many media distribution platforms, it’s growing harder to censor you.
We will seize the cultural means of production! Over 70 million potential customers are there for the taking! Decentralization will lead us to running tv channels, streaming services, publishing houses, film and video game studios.
We will become a true underground movement, which often leads to great art. The left can’t meme, they can only copy and repeat. They will never have fresh ideas like us, as they are busy trying to police everyone.
Action Item- Create. Find a medium you enjoy and make art. Don’t blackpill yourself over if it will be censored. Good art is anti-fragile. If you make good content, people will eventually come, and more opportunities will present themselves.
Demographics: We are having more children than the left. Looking at leftists today, one can have confidence that this gap will continue to grow.
Action Item- Marry GF. Go for kids with your wife. If you already have children, have another.
The Left Grows Weak- For 4 years they launched a 24/7 psyop campaign on Trump, and the results were he gained over 10 million new voters. They would not be censoring and threatening to use the security state, if they were as popular as they claimed.
The myth of expertise is being nuked by COVID. It’s clear to everyone that the experts have no idea what they are doing. People are now aware that the media/gov/medical establishment are all lying to them. People are now skeptical of vaccines, which was a heresy last year!
Republican Voters Awakened: Georgia elections (300k Trump voters stayed home) and post-Capitol polls (49% approval rating) show that Republicans support Trumpism not GOP. Have you talked to your conservative relatives/friends? They're fired up. They're primed to go further right.
Now that the base sees the GOP as their enemy, we have never had a better opportunity to reshape the party in a reactionary direction. In 2022 we will primary the hell out of the GOP, destroy McConnellism, and begin to install a real conservative movement.
Action Item: Run for office, especially in local/state government. Plant the seeds now. Expose your conservative friends and families to reactionary ideas, and destroy conservative inc myths. Show them how to be anonymous online and get them in the game. Make fun of the enemy!
God is in control: Biggest whitepill of all. God’s plan doesn't look how we envision it. Look at the cross, it's a symbol of defeat turned victory. The old testament is full of stories of Israel rejecting God, but as long as there are men willing to follow God, it WILL work out.
Action Item: Pray and ask that God’s will be done through you. It might mean fixing yourself, not the world. God is not a means to an end, he is the end.
Again, the next few years will be tough. As we wait for decentralization to open new opportunities, protect yourself, make investments, make like minded frens, and spend this time building, so you are ready to strike when the time is right. We will win!
Thanks @Lady_Astor @bmarchant3 @ScottMGreer @bronzeagemantis @GraduatedBen @couragemylads @sovereignfamily for all your whitepills over the years. END THREAD.
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