And as someone who supposedly directs an Indigenous research program for that think tank you would’ve thought she might have done some research on @amymcquire work - you know a literature review at least.
I mean we all know @amymcquire the award winning journalist but she is also undertaking a PhD exploring the very thing JP claims she isn’t doing. And it’s research worth checking out because...
She is using & expanding a methodology of presencing which specifically seeks 2 centre Aboriginal women, their stories, their humanity, their lives - even in death. It means not centring ones own voice or extracting Black womens trauma 4 political gain. Jacinta could learn a lot.
We witness in her sub stack platform a commitment 2 covering stories in a way no one else does. One that humanises Black bodies. When u read her work u won’t hear of her bc she hasn’t claimed these stories as hers like JP routinely does 
This is the biggest lol abt these lot - it isn’t about the work, abt being of service to mob but a self centred agenda which seeks a proximity to whiteness at all costs - off of the brutality and the brutalising Blackfullas, & that false binary of traditional/modern Aborigines.
And not that it needs to be said but...
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