What's happening in Manaus; An extremely important thread.
Hi, I’m from Manaus and the the situation here is catastrophic, state hospitals are collapsing without oxygen to treat Covid-19 patients. We no longer have beds or OXYGEN in hospitals for those who are infecting with Covid-19, all patients are being manually ventilated.
More than 5,8 thousand people have already died of Covid in the Amazon. In Manaus, the moving average number of deaths from the disease has jumped 183% in the last seven days. Approximately 200 people were buried yesterday alone due to lack of oxygen that leads patients to death
by suffocation. Our region has been suffering a lot because of the effects of viruses since the beginning of the pandemic and social isolation, facing several problems, such as access to hospitals and health centers, due to the vastness of the state. Many people are facing
capacity in the hospitals of the capital and its surroundings with the increase in confirmed cases. The growing and visible increase in the number of cases has generated concern regarding public health, and the help of other states of Brazil with the supplies and materials
necessary for the treatment of patients is requested. On Thursday (14 january), a curfew was decreed for the capital, where the movement of people who do not have regard to essential services between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. is prohibited. Our feeling is of panic
for everything that is happening, we have several people hospitalized in serious condition and we can't do anything! WE NEED HELP!
pra quem for daqui do brasil e quiser ajudar podem fazer doações através do pix com essas chaves, qualquer quantidade já ajuda!
unfortunately, I didn't find methods so that people outside Brazil can donate but I'll keep looking :(
I'm sorry for any mistake, I'm not fluent in English so forgive me :(
one more thing, I don't care what you believe, if you believe in God, pray for us, if you don't believe it, send positive energies or something, we really need this rn...
aqui tem algumas formas de doar pra quem quiser saber mais

[trans]: on this post have some ways to donate to the ones who want. https://twitter.com/zainrudes/status/1349770950250815494
I just found out our mayor was giving an interview to a newspaper and he was holding his tears, his words were "this is the saddest day in Manaus' history," please stay home and be safe :(
in this post has ways to donate that non-brazilian people can help! https://twitter.com/btsparabarmys/status/1349829838153125888
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ https://twitter.com/padslockwho/status/1350196384843116546
quem puder ajudar vai ser absolutamente incrível!!!
quem puder doar QUALQUER quantia vai ser muito bom de verdade, com as pessoas aumentando o preço pra se aproveitar das pessoas doentes desses jeito, cada centavo importa...
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