Since my jaunty Nixon tweet seems to have brought a bunch of new followers, and since from time to time I get questions, a reminder of what I do here and why. First, tweeting is for me a combination of hobby and work. I try to write things that are spiritual and wise from time
to time--about faith or philosophy, I share poetry and I make theological points. Since I'm a priest, that's the work part!

I also am trained as a lawyer, have published academic and op-ed type works on some legal matters, and long have paid attention to politics as it was a
family thing. I still would call *all* of that more like hobby than work. I don't pose as a senior scholar (maybe junior gadfly?), but I would like to think I write responsible things and ask responsible questions based on my training, study, and experience. Some things I write
agree with Democrats. Other things I write agree with Republicans. I'm a Catholic, and I believe all that stuff to be true! So I'm for feeding the hungry, visiting the prisoner, welcoming the stranger, and I'm for embracing all human life from conception to natural death. At no
point here have I tried directly or indirectly to tell anyone which party to join, which candidate to vote for, or anything of the sort. So if you see me criticizing a Republican, there's no need to remind me that Democrats support legal abortion. If I criticize a Democrat, no
need to remind me about kids in cages. I'm against abortion and against child separation. I'm not infallible, I don't claim to be. I'm a citizen who learns a lot from great interlocutors here from a rage of backgrounds, and that's how I approach it. Thanks for listening. Peace!
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