So uhhhh today I finally found out about the #ArmieHammer leaked DM scandal situation with cannibalism and shit and it’s popping up in the therapists circles and people are FREAKING OUT so YOU KNOW I GOTTA SAY SOME THINGS & set people straight with some EDUMACATION.

Let’s start with a reminder that legal isn’t the same as feasible isn’t the same as moral isn’t the same as physically arousing isn’t the same mentally arousing isn’t the same as healthy isn’t the same as safe etc . These are overlapping categories but not the same.
Furthermore? Fantasies and actual behaviors, or even the thrill of a fantasy versus a played out one, are also not the same. There’s cool research on fantasies which I won’t go hard into right now but the lit exists, about what’s common, what are some of our motivations, etc.
Also: not all kinks and fetishes need to be carried out (or carried out “pure”), AND not all kinks are “magically ok.”

“Is this a kink or is this harmful” is a false binary, too. It can be both, and it can be neither, and it can be just one.
Just like with everything, kinks and sexuality as a whole are also impacted by our social context. Desires that follow dominant social narratives of oppression (e.g. men dominating women) aren’t exempt from critique, same as “preferences” that are just RACIST CONDITIONING.
& ALL THAT SAID, shit’s more complicated and less terrifying than sensationalized media presents it as. Kinks that sound “scary” often aren’t really, or aren’t “as scary and strange” when you actually understand them and what they’re about. This is why I love working on this đŸ„°
As far as @armiehammer? We don’t actually know enough about this dude to say what *HIS* deal is. We don’t. The leaked DMs are a tiny drop in the large bucket of his psyche. Full stop. And frankly I don’t care about his deal—I care about the meaning the rest of us make of this.
It’s WILD how viscerally different most of us react when we hear about like...a murder that has some sexual element versus a murder that doesn’t versus a multi-year war where thousands get killed. Part of it is the unknown of sex & the stigma of it, straight up.
Violence is normalized and sex is stigmatized and widely mis-taught and silenced at the same time culturally we are OBSESSED. Put this in a blender and you have a super potent combo that’s ripe for sensationalizing and misunderstanding no matter what the headline ends up being.
✹Every single time✹ that I have in-depth conversations and trainings about this with people, they end up shocked at how much these “weird kinks” are WAY CLOSER to their own desires, motivations, and practices.

They are literally the Pikachu meme:
Don’t even get me started on the connections between sex, death, and food. Don’t get me started on the ways we describe people like food in both delightful and fucked up ways. Don’t get me started on pet names, of urges to consume what we like, on HUNGER, on intensity, and more.
There could be vore & cannibalism here, amputee fetishism, a desire for medical play, dominance & bondage & submission, blood play, role playing, body modification, prey/predator and capture fantasies—the list goes on. This is RICH for discussion & learning tbh.
So mostly this thread is here to demystify and untangle some of the SEXUAL stuff that’s been raised up due to the DMs.

This thread is NOT about Armie Hammer himself because that’s an evolving story with real people and concerns beyond what any of us can fathom just yet.
This all involves a famous actor, with a lot of power and influence, and various women. Bish for all I know this man is a misogynistic creep—IDK! But don’t collapse the dude with the kinks, or assume if he’s a mess that the kinks can’t be understood or even done healthily. đŸ€·đŸ»
AND part of the reason I speak up and educate about this is because I have ALSO seen a ton of people pathologize perfectly fine sexual behaviors & fantasies because they don’t understand them and are disgusted or scared or even getting a confused boner about it and are upset 🙄
Gosh, I remember learning about vore in like 2010 or something? And being like WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK IS THIS. And then I read more, got to understand how and why this particular kink works for people and was like “...oh. I see.” đŸ€Ł
That’s why websites like @KinkAcademy are vital (

That’s why podcasts like @tinahornsass’s “Why Are People Into That?” are vital to make this shit less mysterious if not less weird. 💋

That’s why I’ve worked with orgs like @TheCSPH for YEARS.
Anyway you know I’m gonna resource you further, so here are some books about sexual fantasies overall but SADLY SO MUCH OF THE RESEARCH IS BASED ON CIS HETERO PEOPLE:

Nancy Friday’s My Secret Garden is a classic (and she has other books about sexual fantasy as well).
Violet Blue’s “Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy” is quite accessible from what I can recall (it’s been a while).

Jack Morin's “Erotic Mind” discusses what he calls “troublesome turn ons” and goes into sexual psyche stuff and much nerdery.
Books like “Perv” and “Who’s Been Sleeping In Your Head?” And “A Billion Wicked Thoughts” are all about fantasies as well and seeing what trends come up too. So, again, there are places to go if you’re curious.
Anyway. I am too tired to wax poetic about cannibalism and vore and sploshing and BDSM so just listen to that podcast I rec’d above & check the links, and rest assured that you yourself are probably way (hopefully non-shittily) freakier than you’re giving yourself credit for 😉
(P.S. Not gonna lie, the amount of ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS memes coming outta this on Twitter are pure gold though.)
(To close—it’s worth reiterating again there’s also a real story and catalyst here, and I want to caution us all against dismissing the possible worries and traumas of the women coming forth about #ArmieHammer stuff. The story is evolving! And maybe he’s an abusive fuckhead!)
Since this thread has taken off I want to make sure this also gets appended to this thread and not be left on its own. I *said this isn’t a thread centering AH but but but it’s irresponsible to not give an update*
And you know why I like that post above? Because it points clearly to the need to not focus on the WRONG THING. The shock value of “oh my God he wants to EAT PEOPLE?” is 🙄; what’s actually critical is the ways it seems he was actually coercive, disrespectful, abusive.
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