CHRISTIE: Donald, if you pardon your kids, they'll be forced to testify against you. And they will. You've trained them to be selfish. You know them. They'll bury you. You cannot be this stupid. It'd be the dumbest thing you could do

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

IVANKA: Daddy, don't pardon anyone who is not family. Not Manafort, not Giuliani and gosh, not that vile creep Stephen Miller. The more you pardon, the more there will be investigations. Keep pardons just within the family, Daddy.

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

DON JR: Sir, Ivanka testified in DC against you & Eric testified in NY. You can't trust them. Eric isn't even our blood. That freak was fathered by Gary Busey. Just pardon me

TRUMP: Should I pardon your scary wife, the Gargoyle?

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

ERIC: Sir, pardon all of us, all of your kids. Not just Jr and Ivanka, but your adopted kids like Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz and me. And Sir, also pardon all of your illegitimate kids like Hope Hicks & Hannity. Pardon all of us

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

GIULIANI: "Don't pardon your kids. They're all conspiring against you. Eric testified in New York. Ivanka testified in DC. Don Jr incited that riot in DC. Pardon me. I'm the only one you can trust. So only pardon me."

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: How much have we earned so far from all the bids for the pardons?

KELLYANNE: Here, let me show you on the spreadsheet

TRUMP: By the way, would you want me to pardon your asshole husband in the next batch, while we're at it?

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

IVANKA: Daddy, don't pardon the boys. Junior is an idiot and incited that riot in DC. Eric is a moron and isn't even our blood. We all know his dad is Gary Busey, so fuck him. Just pardon me

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: What about Jared? Should I give him a pardon?

IVANKA: That's totally up to you, Daddy, I don't care. Jared's a bit dense but loves you more than Beavis & Butt-Head, or that skanky Rent-A-Mom

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

BARR: What idiot suggested you could pardon your kids? Anyone who was involved with you will now be forced to testify against you! Was it Hannity? Don't tell me you're listening to Giuliani again? Hasn't he given you enough trouble?

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: Mike? I don't have a bid from you. Don't you want a pardon?

POMPEO: No Donald. I'm better off negotiating with the FBI & ratting out this snake pit. I'm gonna go do that & call it 'being on quarantine for Covid'. Good luck

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

HANNITY: Sir, I'm the only one of your biological children who has remained loyal to you. Even Ivanka is now ratting you out in DC court. Don't pardon them. Fuck 'em. Pardon only me


FIRST TRAMP: Stuff your pardon, Donald. I don't need it. I made recordings. The divorce takes effect on 20th of January & I'm taking Barron. We have a saying in the Slovenian Hooker Association: "I really don't care, do you?"

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: Who is on line 2?

OPERATOR: It is Senator Lindsey Graham, he is calling about his pardon, again

TRUMP: I said no more calls from bloody Graham. Tell him to call his buddy John McCain for his fucking pardon!

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

PENCE: So you pardon me on January 19. Then you resign. I become President for one day, and I pardon you

TRUMP: And then you'll pardon me for the Capitol riots before the Senate trial?

PENCE: That is correct, Sir

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

"Mr DeJoy, I just got word from the President about your pardon. Because you couldn't rig the postal vote, I was asked to tell you that your pardon got lost in the mail. I am so sorry."

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: Wayne, were you able to raise the funds to pay for your pardon?

LaPIERRE: No Donald, I can't pay you. The NRA is totally bankrupt. When I asked our members for some donations, all I got was thoughts and prayers

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

McENEMY: Mr President, as you're handing out pardons to family & close staffers, could you give me a Presidential pardon too?

TRUMP: Who are you?

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: Steve, you haven't submitted an offer for me. Don't you want a pardon?

MNUCHIN: No Sir, I am leaving the country on 18 January

TRUMP: Where you headed?

MNUCHIN: First call? A plastic surgeon in Panama to change this ugly mug

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

Hey Donald! We didn't need to even think of pardoning our kids. Also, everybody you pardon will have to testify against you. Even we could not imagine you being this stupid. Have a great time in prison!

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: Who are on these phone lines?

OPERATOR: Line 1 is Matt Gaetz, asking about his pardon. Line 2 is Ted Cruz, asking about his pardon. Line 3 is Jim Jordan, asking about his pardon. Line 4, Rudy Giuliani is calling about his fee
#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

COHEN: Donald, just so you know. After you didn't pardon me, I told everybody how you treated me, and told them all to make recordings. It doesn't matter whether you pardon them or not, they will all screw you when they testify.

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

NAVARRO: I've just added another million to my bid

TRUMP: I told you, I'm not selling you a pardon. Get my election overturned!

NAVARRO: Ok ok. I'll get you a 44 page report on your desk by tomorrow. That will overturn this election

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

No. We did not meet to discuss bribes to sell Presidential pardons. No. Not at all. No pardons were discussed. We were... discussing the... Rolling Stone cover with ... Lipa? Dua Lipa

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

GIULIANI: Donald, even if you pardon yourself on federal crimes, you'll face New York state crimes. I hold evidence to put you away for life, on your crimes in New York. Don't pardon your kids, they're ratting you out. Just pardon me.

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: No. I'm not giving any of you assholes leading the Republicans any pardons at all. You fuckers didn't fund my Wall. So I will launch the Patriot Party instead, to destroy you and your pathetic party

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

Dear friend,

I seem to have some issues with moving into tremendous Mar-A-Lago on January 20th. Would you happen to have a spare bedroom for a couple of months? I could grant you a full Presidential pardon in exchange?

Donald J Trump

#PardonRoulette #PardoGate

TRUMP: I am a bit tight on cash right now. What if I give your lackeys all Presidential pardons, like Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham & Ron Johnson? Would that be enough for me to get asylum in Moscow? I promise I'll pay you back everything

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: I am a bit tight on cash right now. What if I give your lackeys Presidential pardons, like to Jared Kushner? Would that be enough for me to get asylum in Saudi Arabia? I promise I'll pay you back everything

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: Rudy said that a Presidential pardon won't stop New York state from prosecuting you, & a pardon would force you to testify against me. So I'm not going to pardon either of you. Also, there is no money left in my will, I'm broke

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

TRUMP: Should I give you a Presidential pardon, for the bribes I accepted when I made you a Justice of the Supreme Court? Would that help or hurt you? Maybe you should reconsider whether you will pay me another bribe now?

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon Melania Trump for all crimes against the Rose Garden"

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon Mike Pence for all names against Space Force"

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon Ted Cruz for all crimes against facial hair"

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon Rudy Giuliani for all crimes against his pants"

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon this Wall. I also pardon Mexico for not paying for this Wall."

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon that cow for crimes against Devin Nunes"

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon that fly for crimes against Mike Pence's hair"

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

HANNITY: Sir, can you promise that once we reach the airport, you will sign my pardon?

TRUMP: I promise, I promise

HANNITY: But you also promised last time, and the time before that!

TRUMP: I will sign it at the airport, now drive!

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate

"I Donald J Trump hereby pardon Donald J Trump for all crimes foreign and domestic; federal, state, local and on Twitter; before, now and in the future. And I won the election."

Donald J Trump

#PardonRoulette #PardonGate
PS on Pardon Roulette:

Remember Trump was collecting the spreadsheet where they listed more than 100 who had asked for a Presidential Pardon? (and that list before the DC riots would have growth to near 200 or more)

It is a MONEY collection spreadsheet. People bid on pardons
Now if Trump has taken bids on pardons - and doesn't deliver - people will be mighty upset if they paid half a million for example expecting a pardon, and Trump then doesn't deliver.

THEY WILL BE BLACKMAILING TRUMP - demanding pardons that they already paid for
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