THREAD: Now that U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has named or nominated senior members of his foreign policy and national security team, it might be useful to survey what all they have written or said in the recent past:
9. Turning to intelligence, Avril Haines has been nominated to be Director of National Intelligence. Here she is talking (with surprising detail) about North Korea in October 2017:
17. Commerce Secretary nominee Gina Raimondo - previously Governor of Rhode Island - hasn't written or spoken recently on trade policy per se. But curiously, this features on her personal web site: 
CORRECTION: One of those links was to the wrong article. This was the Campbell / Doshi piece I had meant to link to, not the one on COVID-19 (although that's worth reading too!).
19. I’ll add a few more as new names get announced. Laura Rosenberger will be Senior Director for China at the White House. Here she is discussing Chinese influence in Europe with Juli Smith (another Biden advisor):
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