Patience requested as schools work to get HEERF $ out the door.

Yes, HEERF II info is out from @usedgov ( ) and while this process should be easier for schools, we are still talking several weeks before money will likely be out the door. Reasons below:
1. For schools that received HEERF I, the process is slightly less bureaucratic, which shouldn't be read as "no bureaucracy." Several steps still need to be taken by schools. Plus, schools need to read, understand, comply with and implement new guidance.
2. ED backed away from requiring students to be Title IV eligible (rightly so!!!),  and broadened what the funds can be used for, which means schools need time to pull together new student allocation formulas to broaden the students who can receive funds.
3. Money is being disbursed through an ED system that doesn't translate into instantaneous payment like Venmo or PayPal
4. Colleges haven't escaped the economic devastation of this pandemic, which has resulted in fewer hours and layoffs, often to do more work. Many financial aid offices have been pulling (unpaid) overtime for months. That's still happening.
Students and families have experienced real economic harm during this pandemic that has disrupted postsecondary plans. Schools know this and are experiencing similar impacts. Rest assured schools want students to get additional money as quickly as possible.
You can follow @justindraeger.
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