
1.95 million vaccinated (~22% pop.)

~76% of all 60+ years old

First signs of efficacy:

2-weeks after 30% of 60+ vac., drop of 25% in % of 60+ critically ill out of all cases

Cities with higher vac. rates have fewer critically ill

But many caveats and issues


1.5% critically ill 60+ years old of all cases is low, but we reached this number several months ago. So while good and the timing consistent with a vaccine effect, it may also be due to pandemic fluctuations

Also, lower fraction of critically ill out of cases could be due to an increase in the denominator, i.e., a rise in cases of the younger population. But this too may be a positive effect of the vaccines in reducing infections, and there are already positive such indications

Another promising correlation: Cities with more 60+ vaccinated have fewer critically ill among 60+

But correlation is not causation, as one issue we have is that there are lower rates of vaccination in cities with higher rates of infections. A possible confounder

And another issue seems to be saturation at vaccination rates that are too low in some cities. Despite vaccine availability, some cities seem to have saturated with only 50% or less of the 60+ years old vaccinated. We need to get more of this population vaccinated
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