Finally got the time to skim this. Here's a thread of some of the ways I observed them not following these guidelines during my stay at the RCJC, specifically how they relate to handling of transgender people during booking 👇🏻
For starters, there is a major contradiction in two different sections of this document on who should perform strip searches of transgender or intersex people. (I don't agree with these definitions, but for the purposes of this document, "sex" is defined as assigned sex at birth)
i. My "genital status" was not known, but instead of asking about it, I was given a full body scan prior to being strip searched.

ii. Instead of being asked this, I was asked repeatedly and derisively if I "wanted to be treated as a man or woman" (always in that order).

iii. My transgender status was not (judging by their reactions) communicated to the two women deputies who performed my strip search, which seems to defeat the purpose of the invasive scan and questioning prior to that.
It is obvious that the required training for deputies on how to communicate with transgender individuals is severely lacking.

1. Staff were incredibly unprofessional, smirking when they asked me questions and making disgusted noises and faces while performing my strip search.

3. While I think this stipulation is ridiculous, it was not followed once during my stay, probably because I am privileged enough to have the right name and gender marker on my ID.

5. Again, this was asked over and over for no purpose other than harassment.
Anyway, this is far from an exhaustive list and only draws on my own experience, which, while uncomfortable, was far from the worst at the RCJC as far as treatment of transgender people is concerned; I absolutely benefited from white and other forms of privilege during my stay.
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