Ok, this is kinda my thing- world building, etc., so while I'm taking a pause between tasks (procrastinating?). I realize this proposition is a fiction, but it got me thinking (which WAS the point), so I'd like to point out that is an incomplete vision- because calories.
1/10 https://twitter.com/dezeen/status/1347687028364877824
What do I mean by that? Well, within the the first 30 seconds they state "We have remade the world from the scale of the cell to the tectonic plate," which is either a critique or a claim (or both). Regardless, energy consumption is a huge consideration.
Theres just not enough agriculture in this video to support those 10 billion. Look at this (old) video from the Why Facory spatializing the food consumption for Manhattan (scroll to 1:33 if you don't have time).
3/ 10
Planet City agitates, bringing up questions about rewilding and other idealized images of city/"nature" relationships as a futurism- with gaps. And those gaps create opportunities to seek out other futurisms that are of the places that may be rewilded.
Like the people that are living out in the "wilderness" to farm.

OR peoples that choose to stay on their ancestral lands. This is where it get fun. What are the counter narratives and who is telling these stories? What are the non-colonial futurisms?
Wakening draws from Cree sprits telling a different story about occupation of in cities on 1st nations land.
7/ 10
So if you watch Planet City, take the time to look for the other futurisms out there, the non-colonial ones, because they pose different scenarios for the future- fundamentally because they are based on different world views.
(and btw, definitely procrastination)
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