Cancel the Netflix binges & IG scrolling bullshit.
They're fucked.

5 ways to truly give your brain a break & perform at a high-level

1. A woods & a hot bath

@luclavish and I endorse this one.

You can trade out a woods with some Henny like @BigBucksBryant

Or just take it easy.

Warm baths do wonders for your serotonin and mood.
2. Writing about a happy memory

You can write about anything.

But a happy memory hits different:

It boosts your well-being.

How can you be mad after remembering that trip to DisneyWorld with your family?
3. Doodling

Simple & creative.

Hence why it's so good.

No technology, no Karen comments that get you going.

Doodling calms your amygdala & helps with your stress.

Grab a colored pencil and doodle.
4. Walks around the block

Isolation has taken a toll on people's mental & emotional health.

Going for walks often. Getting sunshine. Breathing fresh air. Moving your body.

Win-win scenario.

Physical activity is good for your mental health.
5. Lay down

Notifications off. Ringer off. Phone not close by.

Your brain isn't being flooded with inputs.

This is what it needs most: a break from the modern struggle.

Give it some alone time.
Your brain is a f*cking powerhouse.

But it can't perform like one 24/7.

You know how to recharge. The right way.

RT to hit others with the knowledge.
You can follow @ZAEMINTER.
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