Kacchako thread #kacchako
So here we start Before even knowing him, she already paid attention to the name bakugo has and the name he gave to izuku
in mha's smashes, the scene is even repeated but with her other comrades, proof that she really pays attention to what he says
what strikes me is his way of appropriating the character of bakugo so quickly, and which naively makes all the negativity of bakugo positive
she doesn't even seem to know what's wrong
here again ⍗ ⍗
Here again : without them really knowing each other, the script suggests a kind of jealousy, of course jealous of izuku but why put Uraraka on all fronts?
After that, they discover their new costumes : two costumes created by the same designer, having the same 2 black dots and coming from the same company, I sometimes wonder why the points were placed there?
I'm convinced these costumes are going to be something that will bind them for later
her face is impartial she really don’t judge him, she feels sorry for izuku but doesn't blame bakugo
this scene is cute because we see bakugo aiming at the wall so as not to hit them
"Nice dodging" to me this phrase refers to the way izuku dodged = he threw himself on uraraka so she wouldn't be hit. Though, the explosion was far from her :/
in my opinion bakugo has just understood their budding complicity
Here is the start of izuku’s revolt

Ochaco renewed the meaning of deku
this is a renewal for izuku, he will be able to move forward
it's a new start for bakugo too because Uraraka won't let him destroy izuku
uraraka will inevitably have to be entwined with their story and bakugo's ego
i really love her she puts a barrier to all the negativity of bakugo without fear and that's what he needs
again and again scenes where bakugo secretly pays attention to izuku and ochaco discussions why this expression on his face ??? as if it annoyed him
kaminari said out loud what everyone is thinking, almost everyone
the way everyone gets along about not liking his personality
but ochaco's first real laugh, while the whole class criticizes him, she laughs about it and unwittingly dissociates herself from what denki said
she doesn't find his personality unpleasant

she's the only one in the class to stand him
common point: their insight, the first two to understand that kurogiri has a body
they would make a couple of brilliant people 😻
she started by informing izuku of bakugo's position = evidence that she’s observing him
the way he gives himself shows his unhappiness
unfortunately or fortunately for him ochaco has seen it all and that's what (I think) helped her to understand him (she defends him tenaciously)
It breaks my heart, she is so benevolent and thinks for the good of all, especially bakugo who (as she understood) is not well

the fact that he didn’t see her enchants me because he was "" weak "" in front of her without even knowing it 😏
after that, the announcement of the sports festival
Same aura same energy
I wonder if she copies him or if they are really similar
it's obvious
I love this crumb, its more than obvious to me, the person carrying him is colored in pink and the words of kirishima are well chosen
there is a notion of support in what kirishima says, who will be able to endure his explosions = who will be able to endure the explosive nature of bakugo? = as he says himself = someone with guts = ochako
why so many similarities ???
Same here !! Just them as if they were in another world 😻
the emotions in their eyes 😭 showing great admiration for bakugo and she still continues to observe him carefully
I continue with the fight bakugo vs uraraka
she is first afraid of her fate
because as everyone describes, bakugo is a ruthless being
nevertheless this description of present mic confirms me a little more in the idea that everything is done to prove to us that katsuki and ochaco are two extremely opposed beings
anyway I'll come back to that later!!!
bakugo starts by contradicting himself, he asks the question but he knows because he observed her too
He warns her because he expects someone who doesn’t want to hurt himself
the way for him to tell her that he’ll not hold back his punches against her = he will treat her as equal

I love the emotions she has when he talks to her😭
he calls her round face and she takes it badly, why his opinion matters? mha smash took over the scene ⍗ ⍗
he compares her to the moon and himself to the sun
do you know the importance of the moon to the sun? the moon is the mirror of the sun and even hides it !!
Two opposites that complement each other
this sentence really sounds like a reprimand
he´s so surprised by the way she cheated on him that he thinks deku is behind it, he looks disgusted
especially because she "humiliated" him by surprising him
aizawa understood his students and bakugo's respect for uraraka is confirmed
izuku emphasizes the ease of bakugo in being able to move in the air
but in order not to hurt uraraka, bakugo decided to take the debris head-on and explode it
then he could have dodged and it would have hurt her
look at her facial expressions when she collapses in front of him his pupils show emotion, excitation ? was he really going to have fun with her in this fight?
but she collapsed and he could only see her (no background just her)
he never has emotion in his eyes, why here ?
(emotions are the little white balls barely noticeable in the eyes)
I really see guilt in his eyes.
This queen unintentionally told him "daddy" out loud
This is so personal !! I love to see them "weak" with each other
here is a well-known theory which for me is CANON
if you pay attention to bakugo's gestures you can see that he is straightening up after we see him staring at ochako's jacket
The summary !! (sorry I don’t know who did it)
First I wanted to underline bakugo's guilt for having almost killed her
he doesn’t want to carry this guilt so he first accuses deku of having endangered her
he supports the fact that she could have put herself in real danger = he worries
The words chosen are strong to support the fact that she played with him the whole fight and he saw nothing, she had the upper hand for much of the fight
= the harsh reality of deku's words leave bakugo unresponsive
he respects her so much and her strength that he took care to bring back his jacket
ok it's not something crazy BUT coming from bakugo it’s a huge proof = he usually makes no effort for people even just socially so physically...🤷‍♀️
the first to make her cry without wanting to, good tears because these tears will have a big impact on his project
the beginning of the admiration she has for him, which will gradually transform into a model of strength for her
why a weird matchup? did tsuyu notice something ? she may be the only one who can stand him but he’s also the only one to treat her as she deserves too = equal
I blame the class for not noticing their budding connection 😔
And sacrificing himself for uraraka weakened him,
but he preferred to weaken himself than her
even if he had other fights for the rest
she really made him tremble😻
it comes to MHA’s official japanese MUSICAL

I decided to integrate it to the thread because some scripts have been added

the meteor shower scene is magical in it !! Like a real private show that she gives him
« striking a blow to the heart » can someone give me a more canon line ????
These 3 spotlights on them really confirm the love triangle because izuku doesn't really have a reason to stand there
it comes from mha video game which is canon
So much to say...
« I knew you’d put up a fight,but what the hell ? How could i be so weak to let you do this to me? »
in my opinion there is a double meaning, he didn't react like always, he didn't see it coming but she hurt him in his emotions, he clearly finds himself acting differently than usual!
Still in the video game bakugo refers to uraraka as "the one with the face of a doll" and tells her to "go with all her power" as she has the hinaree (rice candy) which protects her , nothing can be cuter than this
in mha's smash = bakugo wrote a letter to uraraka
bakugo who denigrates everyone he meets gives compliments and advice to one of them .no need to say the respect he gives her and she deserves !! one of the only ones to assume her strength
still in mha's smashes = a moment of complicity. uraraka is the coach = she has authority over him, like their relationship: she clearly has the upper hand !!
some sketches of horikoshi himself about their fight
it's subtle but horikoshi took great care to make emotions in his eyes
she stands up to him and that's just the start !!
All Might approves !!!!!the wink makes me think of a message like "wait it’ll happen"😭
yet, I'm sure that's a sign !! The order « 7 » « 8 » i think horikoshi leaves more or less hidden crumbs like a puzzle to assemble !! Again, can we talk about the
emotions in their eyes ?
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