A few years ago I got my personal training certification (before I started content creation and was only a cam model). Let me give a few tips for those that are hustling so much that they forget to take care of themselves. A thread. 1/
Hydration allows our brains and bodies to focus though consuming water all the time that it can be hard to get what use need. Make that consumption more beneficial by getting a hydration additive. I love Hydra-Charge. It makes my water taste good and helps me to consume more. 2/
We work so much we often forget to eat. A meal replacement shake is easy, fast, and we can consume it even when we don’t have time to eat. Find one that gives you that boost of vitamins. Just don’t let this be the only thing you consume though. 3/
Try grazing instead of focusing on full meals. Keep some easy little finger foods around your work area to keep reminding you to munch. It’ll keep your energy up to keep that hustle going. Nuts, berries, dried veggies with some seasoning. Fuel your brain :) 4/
Exercise. No it doesn’t need to be long or hard. Just get up and move. A few crunches, push ups, jumping jacks, a walk around the house, and even putting on a song and dancing is great. A few times a day and you’ve got your body moving. Get that blood and oxygen flowing. 5/
Set up a schedule. Yeah it can be hard in this industry as peak times vary for everyone and the money is so tempting but get some rest. We can’t hustle if we are exhausted. Exhaustion leads to moodiness as well and we aren’t on our best for our customers. Beauty rest baby. 6/
Vitamins over caffeine if you can. It takes a while for you body to adjust but get those ABCs in and you’ll see a radical difference in a few weeks. Try to find fast absorbing ones and always take with food. 7/
Avoid stimulants if you have anxiety. It can exaserbate that fight/flight system. If you are tired, rest. Work on back end work instead. It’s ok to not always be in front of the camera. Take it as a sign your body/brain needs recovery. Be honest with fans and reschedule. 8/
Remember you are a fucking bad ass and diets are a billion dollar industry that has almost ZERO success rate. Lifestyle adaptation (not change) is key. The scale is a fucking lie and your weight is an arbitrary number. Measure your healthy success bases on.. 9/
How you feel. Energy, moods, stress management, and mindset when dealing with difficult situations. Health is so much more than a number on a clothing label, a scale, or what your own perceived view of self. You got this!!
Please pardon any typos as I wanted to get all of this out to you all and I hope you still understand the heart of the message.
You can follow @SirenSaintSin.
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