1) All authority in heaven and earth belongs to Jesus (authority=exousia="out of one's being"). We have no authority outside of Jesus. Our calling is to be in him, in his being, within his authority, so that we might do what he created and called us to be and do.
2) He does not distribute his authority like little parcels of his Kingdom. The moment we lay claim to his authority as something we possess is the moment we like Adam and Even have made ourselves out to be equal to or superior to our creator.
3) He calls us into his authority so that we might fulfill his will. He is always at work in us so that we might know & do the good & perfect will of God not so that we can do our will & declare it to be his will. We have no authority outside of knowing the presence & will of God
4) Therefore, to declare a thing in the name of Jesus without first having heard it from Jesus is blasphemy in the form of false prophecy. The same is true for taking authority over things.
5) Most of what I hear declared, & authority claimed, in the name of Jesus is just that, blasphemy. Popular prophets speak like they are rolling dice; sooner or later they'll hit the target number. Jesus doesn't roll the dice; he gets it right every time.
6) Prophets and prophecy, authority and authorities, must be judged by the church to determine if they be of God. Are their words and actions flowing from Jesus or from vain imagination or deceptive spirits.
7) The judgement of the prophets/prophecies by the church must be ongoing; no one gets an irrevocable license to speak for God or a life-time seal of approval. If there is prophecy there must be discernment by the church.
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