On Tuesday, six days after neo-Nazis stormed the US Capitol, Jewish establishment leaders sent this letter to Biden expressing concern about rising antisemitism.

Their focus? "Antisemitism on college campuses" where "anti-Israel activity is simply a modern form of antisemitism."
The letter was sent on behalf of @Conf_of_Pres — an umbrella organization of 53 mostly far-right Jewish organizations, where racist @ZOA_National is still welcome.

It was signed by the leaders of @jfederations, @ADL, @AJCGlobal — all of whom claim to speak for American Jews.
Cynically, the letter cites Biden's own references to "the appalling display of antisemitism in Charlottesville" while not once mentioning white nationalists.

The white men who chanted "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville are neo-Nazis, not critics of Israel.
Instead of listening to Jewish leaders who — in this very letter! — praised Trump's actions to fight antisemitism as "important and impactful," @JoeBiden should focus his efforts combatting antisemitism on building long-term structures that can fight and dismantle the far-right.
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