Since the insurrection, I've done seven interviews with people who help provide abortion access and who recognized antis who went to the Capitol, some of whom participated in the attempted coup.
I'm in the middle of writing & it's fucking hard, in the way this reporting is always hard because it's got to be done accurately & safely. But I also feel the panic rise as I write because as one person told me: The Venn diagram of white supremacists and antis is a circle.
The overlap between militia movements & anti-abortion movements is well-documented. Abortion clinics face daily threats from men with violent histories & alarming ties to militias & white supremacist movements, but it's not taken seriously because of how abortion is stigmatized.
Anyhow, the reporting will be published this week and it's alarming. I really, really hope that the American media and public begin to take the threats faced by clinics seriously because the same people who stormed the Capitol scare patients and threaten providers.
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