Since I am currently not capable of delivering the promise to produce @springboot tutorials and videos, here are a few people I admire, who I believe will deliver a lot of value to your dev life.

You are into Spring ➡️ consider following:

🧵 (sorry @rotnroll666 😉)
@piotr_minkowski - Spring Boot tips, videos, blogs - LOTS of great content. There was a time he had more followers on Github than on Twitter - and that says a lot about his Github activity
@EdduMelendez - open source machine. There is an ongoing challenge to find an OSS Spring related project Eddu has not contributed to.
@bsideup - @testcontainers co-maintainer, reactive programming, JVM and lower level Java stuff I have no idea about. Also, promising YouTuber ➡️
@simas_ch - very practical views on Java development - architecture, SQL, Vaadin. Following Simon broadens my horizons
@rotnroll666 - author of @springbootbuch, working on Spring Data Neo4J, but his tweets are not limited to it. Warning: not a fan of 🧵 threads
@rieckpil - rising star of Java & Spring community. Check his blog and YouTube channel you won't be disappointed. Also co-author of Stratospheric - book about running Java apps on AWS
@TomHombergs - I think Tom does not need an introduction but just in case - runs a great site with articles about Java -  (btw where you can write too and get paid). Also author of hands-on book on Clean Architecture that I haven't read but heard it's good.
@wimdeblauwe - author of "Taming Thymeleaf" book. If you're building traditional server side rendered Spring web applications, you will find his advices and tips very valuable
@MarcoBehler - now working on JetBrains on TeamCity, but there was a time when he has been writing Spring guides that are often referred as the best guides people ever read - 
@OlehDokuka - reactive guru, working at the Spring Team on Project Reactor. Makes awesome talks explaining reactive programming to masses.
The list is not closed and I'll add more once I refresh my memory.
You can follow @maciejwalkowiak.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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