🧵Just 3 days before the riot, Congressman Andy Biggs told AZ KTAR listeners he personally spoke with "data scientists" who showed him "anomalies" demonstrating tens of thousands of AZ votes were SUBTRACTED from Trump and RE-ASSIGNED to Biden in AZ. An incredible claim!
A similar theory was floating around for weeks in a conspiracy video on "Rumbler." It relies on an aggregation of 3rd party data. It manipulates spreadsheets to make it appear the data comes directly from Arizona counties. There's NO 1st-hand evidence counties reassigned votes.
One would assume Biggs wasn't referring to this debunked video, given his vaunted position as a Congressman and given the weight his words carry to constituents. But remember, Biggs claims he personally spoke with data scientists who showed him these anomalies.
If that is the case, one would assume Biggs researched the issue further, perhaps by contacting the AZ counties implicated in this conspiracy to get answers for himself (Maricopa County Elections says he did not contact their directors). Biggs had weeks to do his own research.
Biggs also had weeks to bring this claim before a judge. So why did he allow it to remain hearsay? Former AZ Senator Jeff Flake, who has known Biggs more than a decade, has another theory. He believes Biggs knows there was no fraud. Flake believes Biggs purposely lied.
Logic suggests a congressman would put these scientists at a podium for the world to see. I sent q's to Biggs about all of this, thru his spokesperson @DStefanskiAZ. What "data scientists"? Did Biggs lie, as Flake alleges? The deadline passed Monday. No response. @RepAndyBiggsAZ
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