The thread where I list the reasons why Josh Griffith should be fired. It will be done at a leisurely pace since I have a lot of grievances to be aired since the show has sucked his entire third stint. #YR
1. The dummy fired Loren Lott. She's super talented, beautiful and fans liked her. But since #YR has a quota for how many Black people they'll allow, she got booted. Telling Loren he couldn't think of stories for Ana. Because he's a boring hack.
2. Josh Griffith doesn't give a fuck about Melody Thomas Scott. At all. Nikki just sits around and talks about Adam with Victor. If you are going to have her in a supporting role, you can do better than that. She's been on this show since Jimmy Carter was president, Josh! #YR
3. Having Mariah cheat and be forgiven a week later. You could get months of drama out of Mariah eating out Lindsay while Tessa was on tour, but since it wasn't man pain, Josh didn't care. A juicy story was a nothingburger. #YR
4. His obsession with relitigating his 2013 stories. A big chunk of his stories since he returned to the show were him looking backwards, not forward. Delia and Billy/Adam rivalry, Katherine's will, etc. It was regressive. #YR
5. Thinking Chelsea is a heroine. The woman's literal entrance story was raping Billy and she's a grifter. She's not a heroine. Melissa Claire Egan's best soap work has never been playing good girl. She excels at crazy or vixen. Josh refuses to see this. #YR
6. Hiring Donny Boaz. Head writers usually don't really get a say in casting, but he's a co-executive producer. So he saw that southern man who looks older than every 40-something on that show and said "That's Chance!" #YR
7. He's boring as hell. Listen, #YR has gone through boring periods. Sally Sussman's run was pretty boring, but Sally's tenure was non-stop excitement compared to Josh's run. He can't even blame social distancing because it was boring way before everyone was 6 feet apart.
8. The Phyllis Switch. Ultimately we don't know if it was his call to fire Gina, but he's the who made Michelle Stafford a glorified dayplayer for months and then wrote Hotel Wars, the most insipid soap story I've seen in a long time. It was a mess. #YR
9. Joshua Morrow was in the most episodes of anyone at #YR, yet didn't have his own story. You'd think when someone is in 114 episodes they'd have a story. Nick just talked about Adam, his kids and dealt with Phyllis and her hotel mess. Nick functioned as a talk to in 2020.
10. Waiting a fucking year to link Amanda to Hilary. It is soap writing malpractice to bring on the doppelganger of a popular dead character and then wait a year to reveal they are twins. Devon should have asking for a DNA test week 2. #YR
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