I got COVID back in November. Just before Thanksgiving, actually.

A person I'd ridden in the car with told me the next day they'd tested positive. I self isolated until I got symptoms, got the test to confirm, and continued to self isolate.

How was it?
My first symptoms after exposure on Monday were a single bout of diarrhea on Friday followed by sniffles, some mild congestion, including chest congestion. No further GI symptoms.

I took an antihistamine and slept well that night. The next day it was more of the same.
By Sunday all symptoms had resolved, except for the loss of taste and smell. That continued for a week total, but resolved soon after.

I took it easy for a couple weeks, just in case, but nothing popped up. Working out felt fine; there were no performance drops.
I did end up eating alone on Thanksgiving, which was okay with me because I ate a big juicy steak instead of turkey, which I don't really like much.
A couple weeks prior, I'd had bloodwork done. Vitamin D levels well above "adequate," high HDL, low triglycerides, "elevated" LDL (which serves some immune function and may have helped, as some studies have found low LDL and high TG in severe COVID patients), low fasting insulin.
I'm convinced my metabolic health and overall lifestyle choices helped me stave it off. I've been training for this all my life.

Good health, good food, fitness—these aren't panaceas, they aren't cure-alls... BUT they don't hurt and probably help everyone.
I'm not discounting COVID severity. It's hurt and killed many people. But there are clearly things everyone can be doing to improve their chances and make it less of a danger.

Don't be a statistic. Be an outlier.
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