1) Why do I use VHS in my Art?

It's not to just look "retro."

Combining obsolete and cutting edge technology is an aesthetic intervention that lets me transport the viewer outside of their present reality. It's not Here, and it's not Then, so it makes you ask... When?
2) I evoke these mediums of the past in my unique way to serve as a method of conveyance, so you receive my transmissions differently from the multitude of images beaming into your brain at any given moment.

I want to transport you to a dimension of my own definition.
3) From this techno-mystical space, new perspectives emerge.

The Weirdness and the Humor of our Now can be enjoyed from outside looking in – we can gather around the shadow puppets and laugh at our folly in believing any of it to be real.
4) Analog Video Art has a long tradition, and I see my digital-analog hybridization as a means of carrying its torch forward with us into the metaverse.

I use VHS, the last of the physical image mediums, as a reminder to bring our souls with us into the landscape of the spirit.
5) As @erik_davis says in "Techgnosis,"

"The analog world sticks to the grooves of the soul – warm, undulating, worn with the pops and scratches of material history. The digital world boots up the cool matrix of the spirit: luminous, abstract, more code than corporeality..."
6) "...The analog soul runs on the analogies between things; the digital spirit divides the world between clay and information."

I aim, with my work, to harmonize the clay and the information. To make you stop and consider where we're going by seeing where we've been.
7) As for NFTs, the use of VHS allows me to make the virtual physical. I want these digital works to feel deeply like the virtual art objects we imagine them to be.

And, of course, analog video allows me to get WAY psychedelic in ways the digital tools can't quite recreate.
8)I hope you leave this thread with a bit more context about what I do and why I do it.

At the end of the day, I aim to create work that elicits the Knowing Laugh of One Who Has Seen.

I won't always work with these tools. But for now, they really get me where I'm going. ✌️📼🌈
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