This whole controversy reminds me of something I think is forgotten about in terms of legacy- that of Lee.

He's certainly a *polarizing* figure to be sure. From a brilliant West Point cadet and officer to the leader of an army arrayed against the United States.
It then follows that Dwight D. Eisenhower: Republican, West Point General, Supreme Commander of the Western Allied Forces in WW2, and Patriot would see Lee as a traitor right? Well, no. In the 1960 Republican National Convention, he mentioned keeping a photo of Lee in his office.
This prompts a dentist to write to Eisenhower questioning the idea that Lee should be venerated. Note the similarity to current spiels against Lee, mainly the idea that his service as Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia marks him in totality as an 'evil traitor'.
Eisenhower, not really being invested in Nixon's campaign in 1960, decided to write a long letter explaining his position(full letter shown).
The Lee & Eisenhower also came up 3 years before in 1957, when General Montgomery stated that General Lee should've been fired for his loss at Gettysburg, prompting a defense by Eisenhower of Lee's strategy at Gettysburg as well as affirming Lee's place among the top 4 Americans.
It should be noted that Eisenhower and Montgomery had a pretty contentious relationship and that Eisenhower's response can be also seen in that light as a sort of thumbing of the nose .

Video Here:
I think this anecdote illustrates an important point about the nature of war. Ernst Jünger remarks in his book Storm of Steel that "There is no one less likely to disparage
the lion than the lion-hunter".
It is here too that the central irony of Liberal hatred of Lee and the Confederacy comes either from Johnny-come-lately's or atheistic bugmen who hate the idea of America and those who fought and died to preserve her as the Protestant Anglo Republic Manifesting her Destiny
I leave you with a quote from William Tecumseh Sherman, that great lion of the Union.

` ...tis only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated ... that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation.`
Never forget who won. Never forget who died. Americans, one and all.

Let us honor them.
Let us remember them.
Not as angels,
Not as demons,
but as men.
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