First off, the virus is dangerous and I think most people do understand that. The danger dramatically varies for certain age groups . High risk and older individuals definitely need to protect themselves at all costs. And that takes all of us to do our part.
Kids that are not involved in HS sports are doing one or several of the following: Attending a class with 10-25 classmates, traveling to other states to play travel/club sports, hanging out with kids from their school or even other kids from another school.
Sports and activities in school at least can be monitored by people that are trained and have specific guidelines to follow. If these kids had this opportunity they could have something to occupy their time so maybe they don't spend so much time in an uncontrolled environment.
Will there be issues? Yes, just like we faced with in-person learning at school. Can it be managed? Yes, just like it has been with in-person school. Is it for everyone? No, it's a choice. Can coaches opt-out? Yes, this should also be a choice.
Parents/fans/grandparents might have to miss out on some events, or watch from afar. Kids and coaches will need to limit their bubble during this time. I personally think it can be done. People have to be disciplined and have accountability.
As a two-sport coach I'd be willing to continue to coach during these times. Yes, there's a risk, but life is full of risks. We are in charge of deciding our own risks and rewards. People need this. They don't want it, they need it.
I've been disappointed in our leadership from our federal government, state government, and our sports organization. Even more reason we need sports and activities so we can build strong leaders that have learned from the mistakes of our current ones.
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