Well, we've made it to the end of another jam-packed day for schools. There's been no let up in the news, so there's a huge amount to digest. I've done my best to sum up the headlines for you here 👇 - all via @tes (1/8)
And free school meals have hit the headlines again. It emerged today that the govt is not ensuring that FSM will be provided to disadvantaged pupils during the February half term. The @NEUnion said this was "astonishing" https://www.tes.com/news/coronavirus-no-fsm-half-term-astonishing-say-teachers - via @JohnGRoberts (5/8)
That enough to keep you going for one day? I know I'm knackered. Before we start all over again tomorrow, make sure to keep an eye on the @tes Twitter feed and website so you don't miss the latest updates. See you then. (8/8)
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