#Bitcoin is a cyber organism in the process of merging with the human species.

Like all life forms, Bitcoin feeds off energy. It needs food to survive and grow.

Bitcoin miners supply Bitcoin with energy and keep it alive; in return, Bitcoin turns energy into money.
Which is nothing short of unbelievable.

As @Breedlove22 would put it, Bitcoin is eerily similiar to the Philosoper's Stone: a mytholgical substance sought after for centuries that could turn base metals into Gold.

Bitcoin mining turns energy into Gold 2.0
Which means that contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin is not wasting energy.

It's actually extremely efficient because: Energy = Bitcoin = Money

It actually doesn't get more efficient than that.
If energy = bitcoin, human's are maximally incentivized to

a) not waste energy (see what upstreamdatainc is doing!)

b) find cheaper and more efficient ways of creating and use energy.

Bitcoin starts an arm's race for cheap energy supplies.
And because Bitcoin is hard capped at 21 Million coins - no energy is lost. Which means no money is lost.

This changes the world, because an closed monetary/energy system realigns the incentive structure of the entire global energy market:
Owning Bitcoin is a good idea for anyone because it's engineered (through "halvings" and "difficulty adjustment") to rise in value. This the power of NGU (Number go up) Technology.
For the individual, NGU technology + a closed monetary system creates an incentive not to waste hard-earned money, one's "life energy", on consumerist crap.
Bitcoin incentivizes resoucefulness, looking ahead and planning for the future, i.e. @saifedean's low-time-preference
Individuals who enter into a symbiotic relationship with Bitcoin hence benefit greatly: both financially and morally.

Bitcoiners are thus further incentivized to protect and promote the network at all costs. Which they are getting better at.
If money is power, then Bitcoiners are becoming more powerful by the day.

If money is influence, then Bitcoiners are becoming more influential by the day.

The Bitcoin organism gives human's power, wealth and ethics.

Time to merge with #Bitcoin .
Thank again to all the usual suspects: @saifedean, @Breedlove22, @Bquittem, @JeffBooth, @PeterMcCormack, @michael_saylor, @dergigi and many more .. -- This is one crazy/exciting/mind-altering rabbit hole dive, thank you so much for all the insight 🙏🙏🙏
You can follow @JulianPMerrill.
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