Well after House Dems pushed through the sham impeachment we all witnessed, now we have 30 House Democrats asking questions after the FBI released photos of about 180 suspects, some of the the faces looked familiar. Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill was the first to come forward.
These 30 House Democrats are demanding information from Capitol security officials about "suspicious" visitors at the US Capitol on Jan 5th the day before violent insurrectionists swarmed the building that would only have been permitted entry by a member of Congress or a staffer.
Capitol tours have been prohibited since March as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and they said the tours were so unusual that they were reported to security on Jan 5th, ahead of the following day's violence.
In this letter I attached it says

"The visitors encountered by some of the Members of Congress on this letter appeared to be associated with the rally at the White House the following day."
"Members of the group that attacked the Capitol seemed to have an unusually detailed knowledge of the layout of the Capitol Complex. The presence of these groups within the Capitol Complex was indeed suspicious."
. @RepSherrill said that some of her colleagues in Congress may have provided "reconnaissance" tours to would-be insurrectionists. In here 13 minute video she said she suspected Democrats had allowed this to happen.
My problem is if these 30 have questions why did they all vote to impeach?

Hmm something smells of an inside job and how a lot of the videos appear that the Capitol Hill PD assisted in this by letting these people in.
This Thread by @Perryalt1 digs into some of what was going on. I am working on additional information as well, but there was two coordinated teams aside from the knuckleheads that were just invading a space. These teams had specific plans. https://twitter.com/Perryalt1/status/1349753749766475778?s=20
So the House votes to impeach Trump for "inciting" a spontaneous attack on the Capitol that was pre-planned riot and the feds knew in advance! Pelosi knew. McConnell knew! And the response to a FOIA request they denied it saying it would be "embarrassing"!! WTF??
Now CNN, MSNBC, Politico etc all are saying there's evidence that this was a pre-planned event to invade the Capitol.

Same MO the Dems used with Benghazi, first it was a spontaneous protest in Benghazi, and then later we find out that was BS.
Watch this video of @jsolomonReports

NYPD, FBI, & DOD knew in advance that an attack on the Capitol was likely, but that intel is being suppressed because it was "embarrassing".

Factually, Trump can't "incite" an action that was planned days likely weeks before. Advanced reconnaissance two days before?
A special Capitol tour two days before, when tours had been cancelled since March

We are being subjected to a deliberate disinformation campaign. They have silenced Trump. Id' bet he was never briefed about the intel they had before his speech, either.
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