Do you want to know why my generation hates this country? Do you REALLY want to know, because I'll tell you.
My generation has given everything, we've fought in unjust wars and watched our friends and family die just so we could pay for college. for a degree that doesn't even
mean anything. We've worked over 40 hour weeks for the best parts of our lives, or spent them in classrooms of higher education, & for what? To be told we need more experience. Only 2 watch our planets eviscerated by corporations & older generations that we don't even approve of.
We live in an age of instant communication, and vast information sharing. We're breaking down boundaries and borders of countries and culture norms, yet we are called stupid children at every turn. We watch police regularly beat and murder our brothers and sisters.
Incarcerating our friends & family 4 crimes of poverty. While millionaires go free after committing massive fraud.
Our police are equipped w/ thousands of dollars worth of riot gear while our schools literally fall apart. We've survived multiple drug epidemics & financial crisis.
We maintain the infrastructure that was built before us 4 a future that we don't have.
We don't have 401ks, we aren't getting SS, many of us won't ever own a home, retirement HA maybe when we die. We have poured our hearts & souls into this nation because we believed in freedom,
we believed in equality, we believed in justice. At every turn we've been shown that we don't have those things. You want to know why? You can't be given those things. A government doesn't give you freedom, it allows. Government doesn't create equality, it defines it.
A government doesn't give you justice, it enforces it.
Freedom, equality, justice, happiness. These are not things that can be given to you by some centralized force, miles away, that has none of your interests in mind.
Freedom, equality, and justice must be taken.
So I'm asking you, do you want those things? are you ready to take them? or are you going to continue to work within the system in an attempt to 'buy' these things? Are you going to continue to try reform, or are going to do what our own history has taught us?
We are the wealthiest nation in the world, yet entirely morally bankrupt.
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