So I saw a clip on Instagram of a woman who travelled far and her ā€œdateā€ didnā€™t turn up.
I left a comment that said ā€œitā€™s okay to have a plan bā€. So Iā€™m being attacked for this in the comments by young me and hereā€™s my take on the situation... ā¬‡ļø
The reason why itā€™s okay to get to know more than one person at once is because you are dating with purpose. You know what you want. You are exploring different people. You are learning about them. And absolutely none of this means you have to have sex with them...
Before I generated a bond with my now bf, I was getting to know 2 other men. I liked them for different reasons. But my now bf caught my eye and my attention bcz what happens is when you know what you want and so does your potential, your time isnā€™t wasted. They either ā¬‡ļø
Invest more time into you, they want to take up so much of your time you donā€™t have time for anyone else and the process gets easier bc you naturally gravitate towards them. Or, you discover enough about each other and itā€™s not what you both want so you spend more time to with ā¬‡ļø
The others that you are getting to know. Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™ve done that whole speaking to someone for 3 months and thinking they like me. ā€œProving my loyaltyā€ to them and they donā€™t want me in the end and now Iā€™m upset feeling like I went through a breakup bcz I emotionally ā¬‡ļø
Invested so much into one person! I treated dating like a game. Iā€™m there to win. But I only wanna play with winners. And I picked a winner bcz he chose me/vis-Ć -vis. Ppl suck at dating bcz they put their absolute all in and are left lost with nothing.
When a man would ask me ā€œare you chatting to anyone elseā€ I would always say ā€œno one has my attentionā€. I wouldnā€™t say yes or no like that but I would be honest. If Iā€™m getting to know someone, then the other person Im speaking to doesnā€™t have enough of my attention.
Itā€™s the truth.
Men do that all the time! They never wanna answer your question to avoid giving you the full perspective on things if it could emotionally trigger you. Iā€™m not saying act like them. But I am saying date smarter! Date for you. Not for them!
And to repeat, do not have sex! My girls! Your pussy us powerful! You do not need to sleep with a man to get him to like you. Men are simple. If a man wants you, he will do whatever it takes to get you. How far is he willing to go to have you before he sleeps with you? ā¬‡ļø
I hear all the time once the girls sleep with a man his character towards her changes. I donā€™t care sexy he is. What his aspirations are. If he doesnā€™t wanna commit to me before or show me heā€™s worthy then we donā€™t have any business talking anymore.
I made a video about it here. I was single for 6.5 years and took it serious 2 years before I got into a relationship. I didnā€™t fuck anyone new until I met my man. All men wanted to do was have sex with me and I didnā€™t get mad at that. They didnā€™t see the value in me and I
Canā€™t force them too. But Iā€™m gonna have the choice where I want this to go and I wanna make sure you ladies understand we have choice too.
Men absolutely hate me giving advice about being single until you have commitment because they are insecure about women having choices. And that is why the initial tweet was about.
If you was committed to your partner before you guys spoke about commitment and that worked for you, hereā€™s a cookie šŸŖ this tweet is not for you. Itā€™s for the girls who are shamed for dating and donā€™t know how to get men to see their values.
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