Racists seem to be one of the longest running problems for this country. Racists don’t just mistreat POC, they allow other racists to BREAK the law. They allow them to defecate in the people’s house, smear it on the walls and then go home. They make foreign enemies laugh at us. https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1349716867917766656
Racist law enforcers are the worst. They ALLOWED the Trump insurrection to happen. That’s how much they really care about America. There have been no statements from police forcefully condemning the murder of a cop because they know they were complicit. The real story is treason.
Criminal, seditious racists occupy every position in this country. POTUS to MOC to SCOTUS to Capitol Policeman to PHDs to Hotel workers to Football coaches to teachers to unemployed rednecks kicking rocks. And that’s OK, they can kick rocks but the ones with jobs gotta go. Why?
Because when racists are put in positions of trust, they not only endanger POC, they endanger everyone with their questionable judgment. Cops cost cities money in settlements. Teachers brainwash kids. Doctors deny care. Politicians incite mob violence. Judges free criminals. etc.
Racists can work and have jobs, just not ones in the public interest or ones that require public trust. They can bankrupt any business at any time with highly questionable responses to the people they serve. It doesn’t matter if you’re a random photog, new tech gonna expose you.
And when racists working in your business get exposed, you will feel repercussions at the bank. That’s why when people get exposed doing racist shit on social media, the only smart move a company can make is to get rid of them. Racists are a liability.
You can follow @KurtNiceHHL.
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