Working out can have multiple purposes.. general fitness is the baseline. Followed by functional fitness

A lot of people work out for weightloss. Which captures general fitness and then goes into aesthetics

You can also workout to develop stamina, explosive power or strength
Powerlifters are apex explosive power, strongmen are apex strength.body builders are apex aesthetics

These are idealized

FL Soldiers and nomads are apex functional fitness, aesthetically they not topline and they are not extremely powerful but they are extremely functional
I want to focus on aesthetics...cos in an urban non violent environment, especially if you relate with people in some sort of work or leisure environment. Looks matter

I focus on men, because mens aesthetics goals are regarded as attainable.

Men KNOW they can look like gods
This is a topic hammered at length. And there is no escaping this

There are two key items for aesthetics.

BMI at max OR slightly above max (in the yellow range)

Body fat percentage less than 10 %

Everything else is details. Reaching for peak natural size is totally optional
The how..

To reduce body fat you must fast, a lot /fin

To reach peak BMI or go into the yellow range (slightly above the healthy range) should not be a problem for most. Except for hard gainers. who must eat. a lot /fin

Follow @AJA_Cortes for EVERYTHING muscle gain and posture
Focus on aesthetics.. focus on isolating

Arms, chest, abs, glutes, quads. Calves

Back, back. back, back


In all your following, follow @mythoughtfood

Alex has almost esoteric type knowlege on neural pathways and how they affect the way your body orients and moves itself
Follow @ZachHomol for details on how to maximize each workout. And reduce risk of injury as you push past your PR

Follow @DrSepah for macro strategies and archetypical understanding of the WHY you do this.. the why that exceeds the idea of "looksmaxxing"

Find your own why
Grow a beard if you can.. this is a personal recommendation. Not a hard rule

This is about aesthetics. Not mobility, flexibility or fighting ability. It is a primer

You aim for a ratio.. Some guides for maxing out

Chest => 42 inches
Biceps = 20
Shoulder to waist ratio 1.6
These are all vanity metrics.. once you hit body fat and BMI targets the ratios are nice but.. you are not bodybuilding in the physique category

You will need to work out. For years... unless you use steroids or hgh. Of which i know nothing

Oh yes.. groom, shower, deodorize
Finally. For clothing .. follow @WellBuiltStyle

Hes a good start. Your fiseek should wear your clothes.. your clothes shouldnt wear you

These are my thoughts on Physique Aesthetics. They are by no means

The last word

Or even the first. I hope you find them helpful

Postscript: You can add muscle at any age
You can follow @lecaester.
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