I want a man who adores me. I want a man who speaks his love for me out loud. I want a man who is affectionate. I want a man that knows how to communicate. I want a man who protects me. Y’all can front & act like y’all don’t want this shit too but I know what I want out of love.
It’s one thing to settle for less than what you want it’s another thing to lie to yourself about what you want. Don’t be acting like you don’t want real love just because you’re settling for someone that doesn’t love you.
Sometimes when we think we can’t have something we tell ourselves we don’t want it. Like women who can’t get pregnant that talk shit about moms. Or people that don’t have money that talk shit about people who dress fly.
The more you project your insecurities onto love and lie about what you want cuz you think it’s what you can’t have, the longer you won’t have love at all...
I know it’s not cool to say you wanna be loved, out loud ,as a woman. As a man if you speak on wanting love it’s like “awww he’s so in touch with his emotions” but as a woman if you speak on wanting love it’s like “awww she’s so desperate” lol
Even with the fear of looking desperate you still gotta speak your peace. Because the universe only manifest what your spirit and words agree on. If you want love deep down but keep speaking like you don’t you ain’t never gon get it.
Fall in love with yourself. Write out how you want to be loved. Do the inner word to raise your vibration to attract said love. And then fall in love with the man who loves you in the way you manifest.
The ultimate freedom is never having to front. I want to be loved. I want to be adored. I want to be cherished. And I’m not ashamed of wanting all this ✨❤️
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