Most of you are aware my wife, @ms_rebecca, received an automatic ban that is currently under appeal for the tweet in this image.
Aside from the normal anger anyone might feel if their favorite person got banned, this experience highlights a danger.
Please read this thread. 1/9
It’s concerning because this this experience has taught me that Twitter is failing in a very dangerous way.
Rebecca’s tweet was flagged for “violent threats,” it was removed, and she was banned.
This is a good thing.
A violent threat- even just a suspected violent threat- absolutely should be removed & the person deplatformed. In that way the system works. I’m all for this.
It’s the next part- the part Rebecca is caught in- that worries me and shows how Twitter dangerously fails users. 3/9
Rebecca has waited over a week now for an actual human to review her tweet. I’ve heard from several people it can take weeks or months to have a tweet flagged for violent threats reviewed.
So what if it WAS a violent threat? What if someone WERE in immediate danger?. 4/9
The fact that Twitter has the ability to recognize threats but simply files them away to look at when they find the time represents a huge failure in my eyes.
Tweets flagged for violent threats should IMMEDIATELY be seen by a human to determine is someone is in danger. 5/9
For people like us whose tweets are misflagged waiting is simply an irritating inconvenience .
For someone who is in danger it could mean their life. 6/9
I’ve had violent threats made against me here. I know this because I’ve been brigaded by nazis several times and sprinkled through those tweets are the “This tweet violated Twitter rules.”
They don’t say why. 7/9
Someone receiving a credible threat might be unaware it had been made. Without immediate review their safety is put at risk. They cannot prepare and the only people with the ability to warn them or notify law enforcement aren’t bothering to look at the the threat for weeks. 8/9
So yeah, it’s aggravating for us and it feels unfair, but for a potential victim it could mean life or death. 9/9
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