There's been a lot of news today about 'new variants in Brazil' & 'S:E484' and 'Ohio variants'. A short thread discussing what we know about each.


#SARSCoV2 #Ohio #BrazilVariant #Brazil #COVID19
There are two variants circulating in Brazil: 20J/501Y.V3, recently detected in Japan & prevalent in Manaus. And temporarily-labelled '20B/S.484K', a larger clade circulating more widely in Brazil.

They both carry the spike mutation 484K, though this arise separately.

S:E484K is also found in 501Y.V2 (primarily circulating in South Africa).

Why are we particularly concerned about S:E484K? You can read more at , as discussed in a tweet from earlier this week:

The focal build for S:E484 is updated with data from 13 Jan & includes the sequences from Manaus, Brazil which cluster with the recent Japanese travel sequences in new Nextstrain clade 20J/501Y.V3:

Read about the Manaus seqs:

20J/501Y.V3 sequences have both 484K & 501Y (like 501Y.V2, mostly in South Africa) - they are shown in orange below.

They are clearly separate from the other, larger S:E484K cluster circulating in Brazil (in green, with temporary label 20B/S.484K)

In divergence (mutation) view, the 501Y.V3 variant has a 'long branch' - it sticks out to the right. This means it has a high number of mutations relative to surrounding sequences.

Zooming in, we can see that the Japanese samples are nested within the Brazilian diversity.

There have also been some news reports circulating about 2 'Ohio variants'.

From press release data, one is a 20G clade sequence with S:N501Y. As shown below (blue) 501Y mutations have popped up in the past. While worth keeping an eye on, I think this isn't so remarkable.

The other variant identified seems to have 3 mutations, 1 each in the Spike, Membrane, & Nucleocapsid proteins in a 20G background. There are 17 USA seqs with the same mutations (Only 1 of these is currently visible in N America Nextstrain build).

The Ohio samples are not yet online, but the 17 existing samples that seem to have the same mutations are from Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Texas, & Wisconsin.

Another USA-state focused build captures 5 of them, all dating between 9 Dec & 12 Jan.

The preprint states that in Columbus, OH, at end of Dec, the variant went from 10% prevalence to 60% prevalence (10-20 samples per week) in 3 weeks.

I'd be curious to hear if other states have seen this variant & if so, also if they've seen similar rises.

The preprint is still not out, but the mutations seem to be common knowledge on Twitter - so they are S:Q677H, M:A85S, N:D377Y, or nucleotides 23593, 26775, 29402.

These are present in around 17 sequences in the US, though not all show up in the same Nextstrain builds.

You can see the cluster I picture up-thread in the SPHERES New York build - mouse-over 'T/T/T' in legend to see them.

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