my interpretation of the chemtrails mv.

a thread 🐺🌚

don’t let this flop
The music video shows a feminine duality. Throughout most of the video Lana and her friends go about their normal day to day life. “Washing my hair, doing the laundry” “Go to the market” These are stereotypical female roles i believe lana has used with the very 50s aesthetic to-
shame the sexism and misogyny. However, she has the ability to transform into a whole other personality, wild and free like a wolf. The wolf is the ultimate symbol of freedom and “recklessness” so lana could also be unleashing the side of femininity that-
people are afraid off, the type of women who are shamed because of their non conformity. This is very similar to the Ride music video because it’s all about being free and lanas loathing for freedom.
“The freedom of the open road” for most of the video she is driving in her car, and then is swooped up into this tornado. This could represent the severity of her duality and how all of a sudden she is being sucked into this complete different
reality or state of mind where she is completely free. In this other consciousness we see all of her friends running with the wolves, standing around the burning red car- i believe this could symbolise how they are saying a big fuck you-
to the american dream and all the things that symbolise their strict lifestyles. At the end of the music video, they all go back to bed. And we see one of the girls crawl from the door onto her bed with her partner. And then all is-
normal. I believe lana made the music video to show the power of women and how easy it is for them to let all their “traditional” ties go but then switch back as quick as that.
In the video we also see lana bite into a lemon which could represent that she is longing for danger and change, sourness. She is rushing into this situation very impulsively because she wants this adrenaline.
At the end of the video we see lana in bed, almost staring into the night. She is thinking of all the mischief she has just been up to and how desperately she wants to do it again. She is also surrounded by these images and icons of her duality like the painting she made earlier
on in the video- further showing how she was longing for this lifestyle for so much of her life. Lana is trying to sleep but keeps having these flashbacks, or visions of the lifestyle she so desires for.
we also see imagery like this, where the women are merged with the wolf. Showing how they are fully free and are embracing the spirit of this animal.
. @LanaDelRey pull up and tell me if i’m right queen. 🙏
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