A few days ago, former US Ambassador to Somalia, Stephen Schwartz, wrote a paper where he launched an attack on the government and promoted Somaliland. It has now become clear that Schwartz is acting as a mouthpiece for a desperate and besieged Matt Bryden.
Since his removal as the US Ambassador to Somalia, Schwartz has been acting as an consultant for “various organizations” and lectures at think tanks. He is no longer independent but rather is using his voice to serve as a medium for Sahan.
In another post made by Bryden in which he attacks President Farmaajo, Schwartz is seen in the comments endorsing the hitjob and Bryden himself. Bryden is using Schwartz’s influence and position in order to amplify his own destructive views.
Bryden has been coaching Schwartz & using him as a conduit to fulfill his wicked agenda against Somalia. In this picture, Bryden replies to a post made by Schwartz which sounds like something right out of Sahan. Schwartz is no longer impartial but rather the newest Bryden lackey.
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