Dulla Bhatti was born in a punjabi family to mother Ladhi and father Farid Khan near Pindi Bhattian. His father and grand father was executed by Emperor Akbar for refusing to pay tax and to make it a lesson for others Akbar got their skin stuffed with wheat hay and hung
the bodies on the main door. Dulla Bhatti was born after 4 months of his father's death at the same time as Akbar's son Jahangir. Jahangir was weakling and on courtiers suggestion Akbar brought Ladhi( Dulla's mother and strong Rajpoot woman) to breastfeed Jahangir.
So both were brought up by Ladhi. As adolescents these two had good friendship. Dulla and his mother went back to their homeland. Due to Dulla's social and humantarian contributions people of Chardha requested him to save their children and girls abduction from mughal forces.
Meanwhile Jahangir fall out with Akbar over his affair with anaarkali. Jahangir rebelled and joined hands with Dulla Bhatti. Dulla built a small army of dacoits which made loots from imperial treasure and merchants and distributed among poors. In meantime Dulla kidnapped
Akbar's 2 wives. A huge army was sent for the task. Dulla fought bravely and for once mughal army had to call for reinforcements. Dulla's son was killed in the war and he was decietfully captured and brought to Emperor's court in Delhi. He was hanged to death.
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